COVID-19 Vaccine Equity


Leading the charge in administering the COVID-19 vaccine to marginalized communities in California

March - June 2021

Safety Net Institute

Co-lead (team of 4)
Communication design

How might public hospitals do better at vaccinating communities that have been Disproportionately impacted by COVID-19?


As the major public health care entities in their counties, California's public hospital systems led the charge in vaccinating communities of color, low-wage essential workers, and other historically disadvantaged populations that have been disproportionately impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As fear and misinformation spread through communities, my team set out to connect leaders in the vaccination effort to share promising strategies to engage communities.

As the team co-lead, I interviewed 35 vaccine administration leaders across 15 public hospital systems in California. I wrote and designed a report to highlight promising practices for COVID-19 vaccinations. I also conducted a series of webinars to facilitate real-time knowledge exchange.



My team and I conducted interviews with 35 vaccine administration leaders at 15 public hospital systems across the state of California.

Data synthesis

I compiled and synthesized the notes from interviews, identifying the main themes to highlight and organizing the report around these insights. I pulled direct quotes and real-life examples of key initiatives implemented by hospitals to illustrate these themes.


We identified three key strategies to increase vaccination rates among those most impacted:


Equitable Distribution of the COVID-19 Vaccine: Recommended Practices

This 27-page report features crowd-sourced, on-the-ground information and recommended practices for improving vaccination rates among marginalized communities.
Read the report
Webinar series
We hosted a webinar series in conjunction with the release of the report for interviewees to connect with one another directly and to raise awareness about the report. I coordinated with interviewees in preparation for the events to identify the most valuable topics to share.
reflections & Impact
Reflections & Impact
Reflections & Impact